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Implementing ISO 45001: 6 Ways to Reduce Conceptual Noise in Safety
Safety terms and acronyms can be confusing. Herman Woessner explains how implementing the ISO 45001 standard can improve your communication through consistency.  Read more

PPE & the Hierarchy of Controls: How to Move Beyond the Status Quo
Is your organization setting priorities based on risk? Learn how to move beyond the status quo of prescribing PPE by using the hierarchy of controls.  Read more

The Impact of Organizational Decision-Making on Worker Safety & Health
Pete Susca joins “The Case for Safety Podcast” to discuss the ways business decisions impact worker safety and the unintended consequences that can arise from imbalanced decision-making.  Listen now

“The Get to Know a Safety Pro Show” – Alanna Lee 
Northwest Chapter President Alanna Lee may appreciate living in a cold climate, but she wants her vacations and her snacks nice and toasty. She shares book and movie recommendations to help us finish the winter.  Watch now